The Hooded Avenger: Boy, Al, I am really pumped about this talent
show. I don't know, but I think this might be the year I win that ice
Al: That's nice, I hope you brought a thermos.
Al: Okay, let's get started. First off, the lovely and talented
Hooded Avenger!
Hooded Avenger: Thanks Al. Today I am going to demonstrate one of my
lesser seen super powers. I'm going to mold this cube of ice into
the shape of a horse with only my tongue.
(Drum roll. The Hooded Avenger produces a tiny horse.)
Hooded Avenger: An Arabian gelding.
(Crowd applauses.)
News Anchor Al: I have five shiny objects in my coat pocket. What
are they? I'll tell you. Tonight at 11.
The Guy Boarded up in the Wall: Knock, knock.
Crowd: Who's there?
The Guy Boarded up in the Wall: Lemme.
Crowd: Lemme who?
The Guy Boarded up in the Wall: Lemme out o' here! I'm boarded up in
the wall!
Wilma: Fred, you never told me you had a long-lost cousin.
Fred: Gee, I hope it's okay, Wilma. I said he could drop by for
Wilma: Fred!
Fred: That must be him now. Well, if it isn't Al Yankstone. I
haven't seen you in years!
Al: Fred, ol' buddy, you haven't changed a bit. And where's your
lovely wife Helga?
Director: Cut!
Fred: Oh boy!
Director: The name is Wilma not Helga. All right, we'll pick it up
from Fred answering the door.
Take Boy: Take 38.
Director: And action!
Fred: Well, if it isn't Al Yankstone. I haven't seen you in years!
Al: Fred, ol' buddy, you haven't changed a bit....Um....Line.
Director: And where's your lovely wife Wilma?!
Fred: You blockhead!
Director: Cut! Cut!
Take Boy: Take 39.
Director: And action!
Fred: Well, if it isn't Al Yanksto-- He ain't there!
Director: Where is he?
Al (Runs up to the entrance): Oh, are we going again?
Director: CUT!
Fred: That is it! That's it! I can't work with this man! I will be
in my trailer!
Director: Okay, that's lunch everybody. One hour!
Corky: You just kept at it, didn't you?
Al: That's right! If at first you strike out, you just gotta get right
back up on that horse!
Al: Mom, I have some bad news! My beautiful, ornate, specially-made,
hand-crafted ice sculpture of Marvin the Seabass melted!
Mom: Oh, don't worry about it. I'm sure there's another one in this
bag here.
Al: Oh, Mom, you're a lifesaver!
Hooded Avenger: I'll try even harder next year! That ice sculpture
shall be mine! Do you hear me? It shall be mine!